Al Mustafa Academy

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Quran is a miracle. It is the sweetest and easiest book to learn and recite for anyone. If you find it hard, try our up to the mark learning system. Learn in a systematic, interesting and relaxing way.


Qur'an is a letter from Allah Almighty. It is vital to know that what Allah is saying to us. In our system we would not just tell you the meaning of every word. Instead we will introduce you to the language of Quran in a very easy way that you will be able to understand it by yourself very soon.


The heart which has not any part of Quran in it is just like an abandoned house(Tirmidhi:2913, Daarmi:3309) If you are trying to memorize the Quran in a busy life schedule our experts can help you.


The example of a companion of the Qur'an is like an owner of hobbled camels. If he vigilantly keeps them tied, he will retain them, but if he releases them, they will run away. (Bukhari:503, Muslim:789) We are here to help making your Hifz stronger and retain this.


You want to learn all the aspects of Qur'an but you don't have this much time to enroll in all the classes. We have got you covered. Just in 40 minutes, You can have a satisfying touch of everything in Qur'anic learning.


We welcome the reverted Muslim sisters on our platform of Al-Mustafa Academy. Our aim is to facilitate you in understanding Islam as a lifestyle. Through the vibrant example of the Prophet Muhammad's life, we try to enable our affiliated sisters to extract guidance from His life.